Making the work places and environment disabled friendly

Most employers don’t realize their workplaces are not accessible for the disabled employees and customers. When it comes to the people with special needs, they tend to feel restricted in an inaccessible environment which may increase their stress and impact their productivity.

A barrier-free environment is not enough, the approach should be focused on providing an accessible as well friendly environment, which also includes preparing the employees and staff for assisting disabled employees. Because, some of the disabilities are also with speech such as stammering or acute low vision, albinism etc. A disabled person may feel more stress and stigma in terms of bonding with colleagues or finding growth opportunities. Employees or staff can be trained on how to take care of the feelings and other emotional aspects when dealing with a specially able person.

For the physically disabled, a barrier-free workplace can help them feel safer with better accessibility, and special accommodations can be made for them such as

Designated parking for disabled people
Lifts and ramp should be installed
Should have the path or entrance accessible for the wheelchairs
Separate or proper workstations for the disabled so that they can move and work freely using wheelchairs
Accommodating workstations near entrance and near bathrooms
Barrier signs or signage should be clear and large enough for low vision

Some companies can be referred for their exceptional score on contributing towards making disabled friendly environment and the workplaces, such as IBM corp, Cisco, Ernst & Young

In India, Lemon Tree special is considered the best workplace in India for the people with special needs. The hotel currently has 500 disabled employees, suffering from hearing and speech impairments and those with down syndrome: A Condition which is associated with the intellectual disability affects facial appearance and muscle tone.

Our little efforts can change their life forever.