The Facilitators

Dr. Vibhuti PandyaDr. Vibhuti is Head, Dept. of Animation & Multimedia at Birla Institute of Technology-Mesra, Jaipur Campus. Recipient of UGC Grant for best innovative programme (B.Sc. Animation & Multimedia Course) for period 2006 to 2011. He is one of the Jury Member in the Jaipur International Film Festival Awards from 2012 to present.  He is a popular cartoonist with his …


Satire on humans unconsciously going against nature, evolving into different species.Scientists say 40% of Happiness is in your hands. Your mind can rule your emotions. Sometimes, just doing small daily routine with a smile and keeping busy forgetting the world (much like a child) is all what you need to do! Hope this small video brings smile on your face …

Chintan Bakshi, CEO at Start Up Oasis, Jaipur

Sustainable future is not possible if the youth are not involved. They need to be aware to make the right decisions about their lifestyles. Be conscious of their actions. And above all be innovative for sustainable solutions. Are we providing them the atmosphere, the necessary stimulus to think in that direction? Anju discusses with Chintan Bakshi, CEO at Start Up …

Crops protection solutions & food safety

From a general reader’s perspective given below is the general description of the principal food crops, fruits and vegetables, and their common insect pests. Further, is the detail of commonly used pesticides, herbicides etc. The pesticides are important for crop protection and followed with proper knowledge, by the time the food is ready for consumption, these breakdown into harmless metabolites. …

Food Storage & Distribution

India is an agro-based economy with about 70% of the population engaged in agriculture or related activities. It has 70-80% land under plow making it 2nd largest cultivar in the world after USA. In India, the primary food grains are Rice and Wheat which account for 41% and 35% respectively of the total food production and makes it rank among …

Dr. Krishna Mohan: Microbiologist, BISR

The topic of GM Food is as interesting and debatable as it can get! The proponents establish safety alongside the efficacy of feeding the rising population while also curbing the use of harmful pesticides. The opponents loom the fear of the unknown by going against nature. Dr. Anju discusses the scenario with Dr. Krishna Mohan, who is a microbiologist and …

Principal GMO crops in the world and food labeling

Even though the GM products are hitting the shelves in the developed and developing countries, with the rising awareness consumers, want to make an informed decision on what they consume. They demand GMO labeling especially with the known food allergies or the reports that throw light on the new proteins which could be toxic to digestive, immune or reproductive health. …

What are GM and GMO?

Genetic Modification is a laboratory process in which desired traits of an organism (for example, a drought-resistant crop) are extracted by picking its genes and artificially introducing them into another desired organism (for instance a high yielding crop). Thus the resultant will be a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) which is a high yielding drought resistant crop. While hybridization and breeding …