Consumerism should be a passé, eco must echo in the East

RIDE ON SCIENCE & TRADITIONAL WISDOM. MAKE IT FUN. CONNECT WITH YOUTH. Appeared in Impakter – Read  Consumerism- a tradition of West finds traction in the East; the landscape changes through globalization and liberalization. Consumerism definitely improves the economy. More demand leads to more production, creates more jobs, better packages and lifestyles; all to round back to more consumption.  But …

Simple Ways Any Small Business Can Improve Their Marketing

Zacha Tuttle, Business Consultant & Marketing Specialist, New York As a procurement counselor, I have the privilege of working one-on-one with small business owners, helping them market their goods/services. I’m constantly in awe of the talent and determination of my clients. Here I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned, that could help businesses become more futuristic and effective …

Role of Art in Sustainability

Roya Delkhosh, Visual Artist Artists are very influential people in a community. Sometimes people learn maximum through what artists and media bring to them, because of the element of entertainment in that. People do admire what is a good looking art piece, a painting, picture, a sculpture, or a good drama, cinema or music. With the myriad range of medium …

Crops protection solutions & food safety

From a general reader’s perspective given below is the general description of the principal food crops, fruits and vegetables, and their common insect pests. Further, is the detail of commonly used pesticides, herbicides etc. The pesticides are important for crop protection and followed with proper knowledge, by the time the food is ready for consumption, these breakdown into harmless metabolites. …

Food Storage & Distribution

India is an agro-based economy with about 70% of the population engaged in agriculture or related activities. It has 70-80% land under plow making it 2nd largest cultivar in the world after USA. In India, the primary food grains are Rice and Wheat which account for 41% and 35% respectively of the total food production and makes it rank among …

Dr. Randhir Gajraj on GMO

GMO a new age mankind Gen-Thing though not so desirable by all; but more of a necessitated desperation urge of the homo sapien so as to acclaim something new they thought of or evolved or a novel mean to serve a his own mistake based needs. GMO are not so desired and not so welcomed as they are not natural …

GMO: How safe and futuristic?

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), the term itself gives jitters to many naturalists especially when it comes to human consumption. The scientists and food producers find it important from to feed the growing world population. While they strive to improvise the genetic traits, crop resistance, nutrition profiles; the opposition continues to grow too! The general consumers mostly remain unaware of the …

Adoption of GM food crops

When a superior vision is accompanied by diligent experiments based on scientific principals and their understanding, technologies are developed which solve the problems of the world that we live in. However, all technologies that have been developed so far have not been adopted, and many have failed to make an impact in a way they were perceived to. This has …

We are all Genetically Modified

A genetically modified organism, or GMO, is an organism that has had its DNA altered or modified through techniques of modern biotechnology. According to FAO ( The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization) :”Genetically engineered/modified organisms, and products thereof, are produced through techniques in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by …