Due to a great demand for on-the-go food or snack packs in present times, we are inadvertently buying high amount of plastic everyday. With the focus on freshness, quality and convenience, we pay very little attention to the packaging. But as the garbage issues surmount, impacting our health and environment, it is high time that we choose better alternatives.
Technology advancement and increasing need for the eco friendly products have introduced us to sustainable alternative for the toxic plastic. Bio degradable packaging is what we need in the market.
Globally there are many better packaging options available by some reputed brands such as Begreen Packaging, In India, Himachal Pradesh based unit has come up with eco-friendly, completely biodegradable paper pack for potato chips and other munching snacks.
Envi green is a bangalore based company produces 100% biodegradable bags which can be used in the place of plastic bags.They look like plastic bags but are made of natural materials like starch and vegetable derivatives. They dissolve completely in a day when placed in a glass of water.
Researchers have introduced unique bio degradable and sustainable containers called ‘Edible food packaging’ made up of milk protein. The market of edible packaging is building slowly and considered to be the best practice for reducing plastic waste.
Source :www.inhabitat.com