Eco-Connect – Earth Day Special

TFG AdminEvents, Workshops & Meetups

Find your creative connection with her

We all live in nature, though quite unconsciously! Busy in our routine, jobs and other errands, we get completely absorbed and engulfed in them and feel overwhelmed and saturated. Mostly, we just wait to take a vacation and rejuvenate amidst the scenic landscapes. However, sometimes all we need is to take a pause- to feel the nature around and within. Such is the philosophy of Dr. Anju Dave Vaish, who connects people with Nature, through her fun and engaging workshops. The motive is also to inspire people to have a conscious and sustainable lifestyle, as they eco-connect.

Earlier, people did not have much of accessibility and affordability to go to scenic exotic places. They did not have visually rich information that can help them appreciate the planet and natural wonders. But yet they had a rhythm to live in harmony with Nature. There are beliefs and rituals of worshipping Sun, Moon, trees, mountains and rivers, almost in every culture of the world. Because, through generations of civilizations mankind had learnt about their dependency on these resources. But now the rituals or worshipping is just symbolic; as people have started moving away from these direct channels of life force attuned to the modern urban supply chain systems.

Today, we have all possible resources to go places. But we are busier- choosing luxury, managing calendars, wardrobe, accessories, steering through crowd and chaos…and the biggest of all taking pictures and selfies just as we land. This era is more caught on with flashing off, rather than absorbing and living in the moment. We probably never pause to feel and explore the CONNECTION that we have with Nature- the one who has created and who is within us. This unawareness puts us at a distance from our creator. The result is that we make many unconscious decisions that impact our health and our ecosystem negatively.

Anju has been doing fun workshops for building awareness among youth through her initiative TRY for GOOD. Whether it is eco-selfie contest, expressing love for nature on a valentine’s day, doodling or painting eco-bags,  she has been on the roll with the credo of building healthier environment, better communities and happier you. Being a brand and communications strategist, she aligns these workshops for corporates, for their internal branding, employee engagement, motivation and CSR goals.

Anju feels that her background in Botany and innate interest in creative expressions makes Eco-connect interesting. Winning accolades in visual arts and advertising career, she mostly dabbles into abstract art forms and cartoons, as she integrates Science and Arts for Sustainability. But the biggest of all is her belief in Nature as a school of constant learning and growth.

The workshops are primarily based on imagination, recollection, expressions, interactions, and of course creative expressions. These not only help people to de-stress, but makes them more self-aware and explore and strengthen their creative connection with the elements of Nature. There is a feeling of harmony, inner peace and joys that one feels through this connection. There is inspiration, mindfulness, acceptance and unlocking one’s creative potential. Above all, it helps one appreciate nature and nurture her within and around. This consciousness can make humans sustain their own basis.